Max Shadow of Apocalypse , The SCI-FI thriller , Directed by Mr. Bouhaik is mind blowing feature film.The film revolves around the situation where a toxic cloud is spread through the people which affects many infectious problem among them.MAX the title character is accused for killing professor Bocher also went in to this situations. Director won to engage the audience by delivering a suspense space throughout the movie.
Screenplay of this movie is so excellent to make audience involved in the situation happening each character's life after the toxic cloud spread.The characterization of Max is beautifully rendered because of the strength of strong screenplay.The Screenplay Written by Mr.Bouhaik helped the movie to find a rhythmic flow.
Another major thing wanted to be mention is Film's Cinematography.Well framed scenes increased the overall quality of the movie.Monochrome technique is used in this movie which helped to create a shady , suspenseful thriller mood thorough the movie.The background score also well in sync.
in Conclusion , MAX SHADOW APOCALYPSE is a must watch thriller movie who loves a different kind of treatments in cinema.
thanks a lot, i love it...😍